Informatii generale asupra proiectului

Contract de finantare nr. 21PCCDI/2018

Cod proiect: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0917

Denumirea proiectului: Platforma hibrida de comunicatii prin lumina vizibila si realitate augmentata pentru dezvoltarea de sisteme inteligente de asistenta si siguranta activa a autovehiculelor

Acronim: CAR Safe

Subproiect component 2

Denumirea proiectului: Comunicatii eficiente bazate pe dispozitive inteligente in scenarii interactive de realitate augmentata pentru autovehicule

Descriere: Proiectul adreseaza problematica dezvoltarii de sisteme de realitate augmentata in-vehicle (IV-AR) cu accent pe interactiunea dintre dispozitivele inteligente si sistemele IVIS ale autovehiculelor.

Activitatile sub-proiectului 2

Etapa 1

Proiectarea si dezvoltarea unei infrastructuri software de realitate augmentata pentru interiorul autovehiculelor (IV-AR)

Etapa 2

Proiectarea si implementarea de tehnici de transfer a datelor digitale dintre dispozitivele personale smart ale utilizatorului si sistemele In-Vehicle Inf. Systems (IVIS)

Etapa 3

Proiectarea si implementarea de tehnici de transfer a datelor digitale dintre IVIS si utilizatorul care paraseste autovehiculul


Etapa 2 - 2019


Raport de proiectare transfer manual (rezumat)

Raport de proiectare transfer automat (rezumat)

Raport de proiectare tehnici realitate augmentata (rezumat)

Raport de testare (rezumat)


Prototipuri de componente software care implementeaza transferul de date intre dispozitivele personale smart ale soferului si sistemul IVIS

Scurta descriere:

O prima componenta software realizeaza conexiunea dintre un ceas smart (Samsung Gear Fit 2) și un dispozitiv conectat reprezentat de o tabletă instalată în autovehicul cu o interfață utilizator (UI) cu trei componente: UI1: prezentarea de informații privind utilizatorul/șoferul și transferate automat pentru afișare în interfața utilizator din interiorul vehiculului, UI2: lista de melodii preferate ale utilizatorului stocate pe ceasul smart, si UI3: lista sarcinilor de efectuat (to-do list), de asemenea stocată pe ceasul smart.

Demonstrarea transferului de conținut digital între un dispozitiv smart (ceasul șoferului) și sistemul rulând în interiorul mașinii cu diverse cazuri de utilizare: tipul de conținut transferat poate fi configurat (imaginea din stânga și mijloc) și, după transfer, devine interactiv (dreapta).

Scurta descriere:

A doua componenta software a implementat cateva tehnici de interacțiune multimodală bazate pe recunoașterea comenzilor vocale și a gesturilor. Prin urmare, am dezvoltat un modul de recunoaștere a comenzilor vocale ce rulează pe un dispozitv smart cu sistemul de operare Android (cum ar fi telefon, tabletă sau ceas) conectat la rețeaua WiFi. Deoarece recunoaṣterea vorbirii este în general afectată de zgomote ambientale, am proiectat tehnici complementare de interacțiune bazate pe gesturi pentru două acțiuni generice: acceptarea, respectiv respingerea notificărilor utilizand tehnologia Leap Motion.

Interacțiune multimodală folosind gesturi achiziționate de controller-ul Leap Motion, respectiv comenzi vocale folosind SmartWatch Android.

Articole - rezultate directe

Euphoria: A Scalable, Eventdriven Architecture for Designing Interactions across Heterogeneous Devices in Smart Environments

Ovidiu-Andrei Schipor, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, and Jean Vanderdonckt
Information and Software Technology 109 (May 2019). Elsevier, 43-59.


Context: From personal mobile and wearable devices to public ambient displays, our digital ecosystem has been growing with a large variety of smart sensors and devices that can capture and deliver insightful data to connected applications, creating thus the need for new software architectures to enable fluent and flexible interactions in applications, creating thus the need for new software architectures to enable fluent and flexible interactions in such smart environments. Objective: We introduce EUPHORIA, a new software architecture design and implementation that enables easy prototyping, deployment, and evaluation of adaptable and flexible interactions across heterogeneous devices in smart environments. Method: We designed EUPHORIA by following the requirements of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard on Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation applied to the specific context of smart environments. Results: To demonstrate the adaptability and flexibility of EUPHORIA, we describe three application scenarios for contexts of use involving multiple users, multiple input/output devices, and various types of smart environments, as follows: (1) wearable user interfaces and whole-body gesture input for interacting with public ambient displays, (2) multi-device interactions in physical-digital spaces, and (3) interactions on smartwatches for a connected car (2) multi-device interactions in physical-digital spaces, and (3) interactions on smartwatches for a connected car application scenario. We also perform a technical evaluation of EUPHORIA regarding the main factors responsible for the magnitudes of the request-response times for producing, broadcasting, and consuming messages inside the architecture. We deliver the source code of EUPHORIA free to download and use for research purposes. Conclusion: By introducing EUPHORIA and discussing its applicability, we hope to foster advances and developments in new software architecture initiatives for our increasingly complex smart environments, but also to readily support implementations of novel interactive systems and applications for smart environments of all kinds.

A Design Space for Vehicular LifeLogging to Support Creation of Digital Content in Connected Cars

Adrian Aiordăchioae, Radu-Daniel Vatavu, and Dorin Mircea Popovici
Proceedings of EICS ’19 (2019), the 11th the ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, Article No. 9, 6 Pages.


Connected cars can create, store, and share a wide variety of data reported by in-vehicle sensors and systems, but also by mobile and wearable devices, such as smartphones, smart-watches, and smartglasses, operated by the vehicle occupants. This wide variety of driving- and journey-related data creates ideal premises for vehicular logs with applications ranging from driving assistance to monitoring driving performance and to generating content for lifelogging enthusiasts. In this paper, we introduce a design space for vehicular lifelogging consisting of five dimensions: (1) nature and (2) source of the data, (3) actors, (4) locality, and (5) representation. We use our design space to characterize existing vehicular lifelogging systems, but also to inform the features of a new prototype for the creation of digital content in connected cars using a smartphone and a pair of smartglasses.

Towards Interactions with Augmented Reality Systems in Hyper-Connected Cars

Ovidiu-Andrei Schipor, Radu-Daniel Vatavu
Proceedings of HCI Engineering 2019 (2019), the 2nd Workshop on Charting the Way Towards Methods and Tools for Advanced Interactive Systems (in conjunction with ACM EICS '19) , ISSN: 1613-0073, 76-82.


Hyper-connected cars can store, process, and share a large amount and variety of digital content, which creates opportunities for using high-definition Augmented Reality (AR) and live video streaming to enhance current in-vehicle driving assistance and navigation systems. However, several challenges must be overcome to make such systems viable and efficient, such as dealing effectively with a variety of smart devices, platforms, and in-vehicle standards and technologies or delivering dynamic digital content to users in interactive time. In this paper, we propose a solution to these challenges by modeling the smart car as a distinct type of a smart environment. This model enables us to introduce a five-layer software architecture proposal based on Euphoria, a recent high-performing event-driven software architecture design for supporting effective communications between heterogeneous I/O devices in generic smart environments. We discuss the ways in which Euphoria can provide effective solutions to our identified challenges and hope that our contributions will stimulate interesting discussions towards defining a practical roadmap of engineering interactions with AR systems and high-definition video for hyper-connected cars.

In-Vehicle System for Adaptive Filtering of Notifications

Elena BAUTU, Carmen I. TUDOSE, Crenguta M. PUCHIANU
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI2019), ISSN: 2501-9422, Ed. MatrixRom, 145-151.


Nowadays, there is a growing interest for drivers and car passengers to have adaptive smartphone applications to the driving context of the car. In this paper we present a software system that filters notifications launched by mobile phone depending on the driver’s or co-driver’s interests, needs or preferences. The filtering is adaptive in the sense that it changes according to the driving conditions determined by the system using data received from the GPS system and accelerometer of smartphone. The system has been developed using “separation of concerns” principle that guarantees an iterative and incremental development of system. Also, it has been tested until now by 28 users who appreciated the system’s quality considering their answers on the usability test.

Articole - rezultate conexe

Cultural Heritage Interactive Dissemination through Natural Interaction

Emanuela BRAN, Elena BAUTU, Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI, Vasili BRAGA, Irina COJUHARI
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI2019), pp.156-161, ISSN: 2501-9422, Ed. MatrixRom.


Virtual Heritage is widely used in education, enhancing the learning process by motivation through providing a natural experience. New ways of user exploring cultural heritage virtual environments represent dynamic research areas while they are based on latest technologies such as mobile, wearable or ubiquitous interfaces. We have designed SNAIP, a distributed system based on natural interaction, for exploring a virtual heritage environment populated with interactive agents.

Etapa 1 - 2018


Raport de proiectare (rezumat)

Raport de testare (rezumat)


Euphoria - A Scalable, Event-driven Architecture for Designing Flexible, Heterogeneous, Asynchronous Interactions in Smart Environments

Scurta descriere:

Euphoria este o noua arhitectura software a carei implementare permite prototiparea și evaluarea de interacțiuni flexibile și asincrone între utilizatori, dispozitive personale și instalații publice, sisteme și servicii în medii inteligente, cum ar fi noile interacțiuni ale utilizatorilor mediilor inteligente implementate în autovehicule. O demonstratie a platformei Euphoria este valabila aici!

GenericProducer & GenericConsumer - implementari prototip de componente software client pentru infrastructura software Euphoria

Scurta descriere:

Aplicația GenericProducer inglobeaza, în acest moment, 3 tipuri de producători de continut: - un producător de continut generic, personalizabil, ce furnizeaza notificari/mesaje de dimensiuni customizabile, la intervale de timp stabilite dinamic; - un producător de continut ce genereaza mesaje ce folosește drept sursa informații despre vreme ca exemplificare a utilizarii unui serviciu pe baza unui senzor al telefonului si - un producător de conținut ce preia de la dispozitivul mobil al conducatorului auto notificari uzuale.

Scurta descriere:

Aplicația GenericConsumer primește de la Euphoria obiecte JSON și afiseaza pe display-ul consumatorului informații despre acestea. Momentan, scopul afisarii a fost de a testa fiabilitatea unei astfel de abordari. Pentru afisarea informatiei produse de catre producator, am avut in vedere in primul rand vizibilitatea informatiei in diferite conditii de mediu, precum si minimizarea perturbarii atentiei participantilor la trafic in general, respectiv a conducatorului auto, in particular, de catre afisarea acestei informatii.

Tehnologii utilizate:

JSON, Java, JavaScript, WebSocket, Okhttp, Android, Node.js, OpenWeatherMap, ...

Filmul demonstrativ este accesibil aici:

Articole - rezultate directe

Euphoria: A Scalable, Event-driven Architecture for Designing Flexible, Heterogeneous, Asynchronous Interactions in Smart Environments

Ovidiu-Andrei SCHIPOR, Radu-Daniel VATAVU, Jean VANDERDONCKT
Information and Software Technology, Elsevier IF: 2.627, 5-year IF: 2.768 (in curs de evaluare)

Augmenting Selection by Intention for In-Vehicle Control and Command

Catalin DIACONESCU, Dragos Florin SBURLAN and Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI2018), ISSN: 2501-9422, pg. 107-110, Ed. MatrixRom, 2018.


Our paper proposes an in-vehicle interactive environment that facilitates driver to interact with a computer-based (multimedia) system through intentional gestures. To this end we used two complementary gesture detection technologies, Leap motion responsible for user gesture detection, and Myo as a second interaction device that gives the driver the possibility to switch between launched applications and supplementary controls. Based on preliminary results of the usability test we conducted for our solution, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using two different gesture recognition technologies for in-vehicle interactive environments. We conclude by the main issues we identify until now and some future directions of our efforts.

Speech & Speaker recognition for Romanian Language

Eugeniu VEZETEU, Dragos SBURLAN and Elena PELICAN
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI2018), ISSN: 2501-9422, pg. 54-62, Ed. MatrixRom, 2018.


The present paper illustrates the main methods that can be employed to build a speech and speaker recognition system for Romanian language. To this aim, we start by presenting the classical approach of extracting the Mell Frequency Cepstral Coefficients features from a dataset of speech signals (which represents some words/phrases in Romanian language). The recognition is done either by using Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or by training an Convolutional Neural Network. A comparison between these models is presented and commented. Once such a system is developed, we proceed further by implementing an application that listens and executes some predefined commands. In our setup, the system performs two main tasks: it recognizes the user by his voice and executes a task corresponding to the vocal command.

Articole - rezultate conexe

Filter Application on Facial Features in a Smartphone App

Sofia MORAR, Elena PELICAN and Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI
Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (RoCHI2018), ISSN: 2501-9422, pg. 5-11, Ed. MatrixRom, 2018.


Filter application on facial features is a rather new field and it has quickly become essential in all the social network applications. Fast and accurate filter application is still a field to be explored. In this paper, an automatic application of filters of different makeup products (lipstick and blush) is developed on the facial features of interest (lips and cheeks). Facial features are recognized and extracted with the help of a Machine Learning API (Application Programming Interface), Google Mobile Vision API. The application of the filters is developed using Bezier curves and the basic principles of graphics for the correct rendering of layers. The application of the filters is developed in an iOS App, with two functionalities, application on a picture, as well as in real-time through the phone’s camera, where we also use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in order to recognize the user’s face, which introduces us into the field of Augmented Reality (AR) and Deep Learning.

From Exploration of Virtual Replica to Cultural Immersion through Natural Gestures

Catalin DIACONESCU, Matei-Ioan POPOVICI and Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on VR Technologies in Cultural Heritage 2018, ISBN: 978-3-030-05819-7


We investigate in this work the potential of multimodal rendering for assisting users during culturally-related navigation and manipulation tasks inside virtual environments. We argue that natural gestures play an important role for engaging users in experiencing the cultural dimension of a given environment. To this end, we propose an open system for multi-user visualization and interac-tion that enables users to employ natural gestures. We explored different configurations and controls in order to achieve the most accurate and natural user experience. One being switching between the naviga-tion and manipulation mode based on distance and orientation towards different points of interest and the other being based on interacting with a virtual UI used for switching between the two modes. We also implemented both a single-user and a multi-user version. The single-user version having a normal, computer monitor based, point of view is better for a more accurate and detailed viewing experience. Also, in this version the user would be wearing the Myo armband and also using the Leap Motion for a more immersed experience. The multi-user version is based on a holographic pyramid which has two user perspectives, one of the Myo user and the other being the Leap Motion user’s, and two for the spectators’ point of view. Finally, we discuss findings on the users’ perceptions of experienced cultural immersion.

Echipa noastra

Universitatea OVIDIUS din Constanta

Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI

Coordonator proiect component 2 / cercetator
UEF-ID: U-1700-039W-6468

Realitate Virtuala si Augmentata, Medii Mixte pentru Educatie, Formare Profesionala si Diseminare a Patrimoniului Cultural

Dragos-Florin SBURLAN

UEF-ID: U-1700-030V-4710

Dragos Sburlan este conferentiar universitar dr. la Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta. Domeniul sau de cercetare se refera la dezvoltarea unor noi paradigme de calcul si algoritmi.

Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU

UEF-ID: U-1700-035G-1876

Conferentiar la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității Ovidius din Constanța, România. Competențele sale principale sunt în următoarele domenii: web semantic și ingineria sistemelor informationale și software.


UEF-ID: U-1700-039R-1944

Elena Bautu este lector universitar dr. la Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta. Activitatea de cercetare are ca obiectiv studiul si proiectarea de metode de calcul evolutiv pentru probleme de modelare a datelor.

Emanuela BRAN

Asistent de cercetare, Student Drd.
UEF-ID: U-1900-061Y-9866


Universitatea Stefan cel Mare din Suceava

Radu-Daniel VATAVU

Coordonator Partener / Cercetator

Radu este profesor de informatică la Universitatea din Suceava și conducătorul științific al laboratorului MintViz. El este interesat de aplicarea tehnicilor AI pentru a proiecta interacțiunile utile și utilizabile între oameni, computere și medii.

Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC


Profesor de informatică la Universitatea din Suceava și decanul Facultății de Inginerie Electrică și Informatică. Interesele sale de cercetare sunt recunoașterea modelului, prelucrarea imaginilor și computerele distribuite și mobile.

Ovidiu-Andrei SCHIPOR


Ovidiu este conferentiar de informatică la Universitatea din Suceava. El este interesat de prelucrarea vorbirii și analiza mișcărilor umane pentru interfețe inteligente de utilizator.

Laura-Bianca BILIUS

Asistent de cercetare, Student Drd.

Laura este doctorand in Informatica de la Universitatea din Suceava, sub conducerea dlui Prof. Stefan-Gheorghe Pentiuc. Ea este interesată de pattern recognition, tensori, gesturi și de procesarea imaginilor.

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Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta
B-dul Mamaia 124, 900527
Constanta, Romania
Telefon: +40 241 606 467